when to draw a firearm (Nevada)

As we view more and more recent news articles, we see an escalation of violence. Why is not important, only the fact that it is this way is what matters and how you can prepare to address a potential violent/deadly encounter. Such is how we conducted reporting in law enforcement and military: Who, what, where, when and how. NOT WHY. No one cares about the “why”. Example: “why did you attack that person?” Criminal: “Because I felt like it”. ok…great, who cares as that won’t change any outcome. The only time “why” matters is when someone uses deadly force against another person.

Now, without getting too off topic we will swing back to when its a good idea to draw a firearm and point it at someone.

Obviously if you’re being actively attacked/injured such as if someone is repeatedly hitting you, on top of you and you can’t get away or get any sort of upper hand in a defensive situation without a tool of some kind. But that is for an up in close personal attack that’s already happening. But what about an attack that’s about to happen from what you might perceive as a imminent threat?

  1. Alone while out at night: Take a look at the photo below. For this moment to happen the way the photo portrays; the potential victim would’ve had to been VERY aware of their surroundings and might possibly have needed to have her hand on her firearm already in a hidden manner (which is perfectly legal in most cases) in order to respond to this potential threat so quickly when the would-be attacker is still around 3 meters away. In this case it is considered acceptable. But of course every scenario is different and this one would be best case as so far…no one has been injured.

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2. At Home: At home; the NV law has the Stand-Your-Ground Law which means in your place of residency (and vehicle) you have no obligation to retreat, run away or hide prior to engaging at hostile individual, burglar or assailant. Being at home and hearing a loud sound like glass breaking or a door getting kicked open is reason enough to grab your weapon of choice (in this case being a firearm for the purpose of this article). Already having the weapon at the ready and being aware of anyone else in the house, including pets is perfectly fine; as long as you remember to verify any potential target prior to engaging.

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3. Active Attack: We already touched on this subject earlier as being the most common case with firearm self-defense. If you’re actively being attacked, beaten, stabbed, or being shot at; it is lawfully acceptable to draw your weapon and fire. Of course you’d want to make sure that no-one ends up being a potentially innocent victim of your discharged bullet.

*Of course you’ll need to stay up to date with your state laws regarding the carry and use of firearms as well as make sure you maintain active licensing if you plan to conceal carry as this article serves as just a guideline.*

If you’d like to receive training and/or take a concealed firearms course; we’d recommend contacting our affiliate at Wright Defence located right here in Las Vegas. They are experts in both conceal, open and even security firearms training.

images courtesy msdeltalaw, Personaldefenseworld and Heritage