Driving Awareness


With the ever changing challenges we face in society; the importance of awareness has been put off by many individuals. The above cited news article portrays how the unthinkable happens; often when we least expect it. Although many would believe that self defense would not imply in such a situation, but ask yourself…in this sighting; “if I see an individual aiming a bow and arrow at others driving by…” would you risk continuing to drive by hoping to not get hit with an arrow, hoping the person beside you in the vehicle doesn’t get hit? Or do you pull over and attempt a citizen’s detainment as well as call for law enforcement assistance? The fact is; our responsibility as law abiding citizens is to at least report criminal activity. In this situation; there is no doubt that many people noticed this individual with a bow and arrow and idling drove by. By no means would we say put yourself in harm’s way if that can be avoided. But never be afraid to say something when you see something.

Las Vegas Self Defense